Alex Palcuie
Cracking the coding interview
The Unqualified Engineer
Videos about interviews by a former Facebook engineer
The End
Story of how my interviews went
LeetCode Thanksgiving
Yearly subscription just for 100$
Group Anagrams
unordered_map<int, vector<pair<vector<int>, vector<string>>>> hash
When should I use the new keyword in C++?
One of the questions that bugged me
It's happening
Just some Reddit threads
Interview Cake
Another prep website
RSS feeds
Best in the metro
Buying headphones
The devil is in the details
Mock interviews with real people
It takes way more time than you plan
Rubber duck debugging
Best debugging method
Steve Skiena Q&A
Great interview before the World Cup
HackerRank Contests
Magic Lines and World Cup
Learning databases and SQL
A list of resources for starting learning brushing up your skills
Hash function that maps two integers to one
Cantor pairing function
Lower bound of sorting by comparison is O(n * log n)
An intuitive explanation from Skiena
The Algorithm Design Manual
Great book by Steven Skiena
Don't have to be always complicated
Andreis Repo
Great collection of resources
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